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Tree Planting Phase 1 by SSSGAM Taman Daya

On the 12 February 2024, members of Sri Sathya Sai Global Association Malaysia (SSSGAM) Taman Daya held their 1st Tree Planting Event (Phase I) at centre level.

This is a continuation of Sri Sathya Sai Prema Tharu Tree Planting Retreat held at National level in August 2023.

The activity was carried out around the SRJK (T) Ladang Mt Austin (a Tamil medium school) field. A total of 50 coconut shoots were planted by 16 SSE Students and 12 members of the centre. School staffs also rendered their help and support.

The school's Headmistress and PIBG Chairman were in attendance and were very helpful and supportive. The event concluded successfully with some light refreshment.


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