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Privacy Policy & Copyright Information

About this site:


Sri Sathya Sai Global Council, Zone 5.

This site aims at fostering awareness among mankind - especially among the younger generation that is well versed with the advancements in Information Technology - regarding the constructive use of such technology for a purpose higher than mere dissemination of information, communication and entertainment.


The main purpose is to share the joy of Darshan, the melody of Bhajans, the profoundity of Bhagawan's teachings, the nostalgia of cherished moments in the Divine Presence, and above all, to create the Divine Atmosphere of the Abode of Supreme Peace, Prasanthi Nilayam, in every home and heart.


Presently, the site offers information about the Life, Works and Teachings of Bhagawan Baba and the Service Activities undertaken by the various Organisations under the Sai Movement.


This website is an effort to share information about our endeavours in the fields of Human Values, Social Service, Value-based Education and Healthcare. Our content in the website is kids friendly and does not contain any sort of derogatory or offensive content.


We sincerely hope that the website will inspire the devotees towards transformation, moral regeneration and dedication to nobler ideals.


Jai Sai Ram

Copyright Information

Sri Sathya Sai Global Council is the owner of, and reserves all rights to, all material published on this website, including audio, video, electronic, multimedia, photographic, and written forms. You may not copy, reproduce, sell, publish, display, transmit, distribute, perform, modify, create works derivative of, or in any way exploit any material from this website without the express written consent of Sri Sathya Sai Global Council.


Requesting permission: To request permission for reprinting, publishing, licensing, or for any other use of any material or works on this website, write to Sri Sathya Sai Global Council at the postal address provided above. Provide in writing the following information: your name (and title); the name, postal and email addresses, and telephone numbers of your organization; the mission and purpose of your organization; similar information for any other relevant contact persons in your organization; a detailed description of the material for which you are requesting permission, and where it is located on our website; and a detailed description of your intention and purpose of use of the material (how and why it will be used, published, and distributed).


Sri Sathya Sai Global Council reserves the right to deny or withdraw permission, for any reason, for the use of any material published on this website.

Privacy Policy

Our web host's server automatically recognizes only the domain name, but not the individual email address of visitors to our website.


The information we collect is used for internal review in order to improve the content and layout of our website, to customize the content and/or layout of website for individual visitors. This information is not shared with, or sold to, other organizations for commercial or other purposes.


We use cookies to store visitors' preferences, to record activity at the website in order to provide better service when visitors return to our site, to ensure that visitors are not repeatedly sent the same ads, and to customize web page content based on visitors' browser type or other information that the visitor sends.


We will not be contacting You or sharing your information to any other 3rd party.


Sri Sathya Sai Global Council reserves the right to change our policy regarding how visitor information is used. If our information usage policy changes, the changes will be posted here. We will only use data collected after the policy change for our purposes. If you are concerned about how your information will be used, check this privacy policy for changes when you visit our website.


If you feel that this website is not following this privacy policy, you may contact us at the addresses provided above

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